

International collaborative initiative with local street artists

Belgium has launched an international collaborative initiative with local street artists, allowing them to express their vision of Belgium by painting murals in city centres in various countries.

Two murals will be seeing the light of day in 2024:

  • one in Cape Town (South Africa) reflecting Belgium's diversity and openness;
  • another in Paris (France) to cheer on Team Belgium during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Tribute to Belgian athletes in Paris

Black. Yellow. Red. Gold!

In Paris (France), the artist Tim Marsh created a monumental mural as a tribute to the Belgian athletes participating in the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Starting from the 13th of July 2024, this mural will be on display throughout the summer on the fence surrounding the Belgian embassy in Paris. The iconic Belgian tricolor in the background sends a clear message: we support all our Belgian athletes.

Two large banners on the facade of the embassy reinforce this message: "Belgium is rooting for you."

Address: 9 Rue de Tilsitt, 75017 Paris, France (on the side of Place Charles-de-Gaulle)


The artist Tim Marsh

Tim Marsh is a French artist born in Paris. He has a unique and architectural style. His work features complex geometric shapes, patterns, and lines to evoke a sense of movement. His murals are characterized by a retro color palette and a variety of techniques.

Tim Marsh
Mural 'Black. Yellow. Red. Gold!' in Paris

Cape Town: street art celebrating love

Warm embrace

A 95-m² wall in Cape Town (South Africa) is the canvas for a mural focusing on diversity. Created by South African artist Elléna Lourens, it covers the themes of love, unity, equality and acceptance.

Belgium and South Africa are both pioneers when it comes to diversity. In 2023, Belgium celebrated the 20th anniversary of its legalisation of same-sex marriage. It was only the second country in the world to take this historic step. South Africa too was a pioneer in this regard, being the first African nation and the fifth country overall to do this.

The mural in Cape Town presents a message of mutual respect and celebration. It will be officially unveiled on 18 February 2024, in the run-up to this year's famed Cape Town Pride Parade Festival.

Address: Alfred Street, Green Point, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa.

The artist Elléna Lourens

Elléna Lourens is a young South African artist whose works contrast with the tradition of busy and colourful urban art. Her light and poetic murals use minimal lines and colours to create spaces of real serenity in the city.

For me this commission connected strongly with my approach to art, I wanted to create something impactful yet warm so striking but not intimidating, to communicate what it feels like to embrace openness. The location means it will be visible to all celebrating pride. Embracing Openness is very much about all the vibrancy of our cultures, by representing the diversity in two ways, in terms of love but also by offering a diversity of perspectives”.


Mural 'Embracing Openness' in Cape Town